“They were hunters. But now, as night closed in on them, and the swamp became black and hot and close, they were becoming preys.” ― Paolo Bacigalupi, The Drowned Cities
“Early in the morning i identified a trail of a wild animal. I walked slowly, scanning the woods periodically for movement till this boar appeared. My bow was ready on hand, i followed it’s front leg with the aim up to the mid-point of it’s chest..When the string slided by my finger i knew it would have no chance, it took only a second to the arrow to fly and hit the boar, not in it’s heart, that was not what i wanted. The arrow penetrated both lungs, resulting in a good blood trail and quick death. I cannot say i enjoyed it, those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter. There is no hunting like the hunting of man.
Today i killed a boar, they are becoming scarse now. The Infected eat them before they breed.. and so we do too. I don’t know how long the food will last as it decreases and the number of infected rises. I remember when we could watch these animals everywhere, some used to hunt them as a hobby, now we just look at them as our next meal… i guess thats how the Infected look at us too. I am not sure if we can blame them, we all live by our instincts, surviving is the only important thing.
But tonight, nothing worries me. I have a warm meal to confort myself and everything else is forgotten. “
ArielLagina Resident
loved the picture!