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It finally happened.  I finally had a customer ask for more than a massage or a bath.  He was… nice, I guess.  I’ve seen better looking men but I’ve also seen a lot worse too.  At least this time I wasn’t held down while they just took what they wanted.

The sex was surprisingly nice.  He was pretty excited so he was kind of energetic but it actually felt pretty good.  He didn’t do anything special.  I think the fact that I chose to let him in my pants probably made a big difference.  It had to have made a difference because he paid for the works!  Let’s not even count the last time a man had his dick in my ass or mouth.  I never thought I’d EVER like have a guy back there but it actually felt pretty amazing.  Yeah, I felt some pain but I also felt a good amount of pleasure too.

Afterwards he just lay there next to me for a few minutes before getting up and pulling his clothes back on.  Then he gave my ass a quick spank before walking out the door.

Selling myself to some random guy, whoring myself out… wasn’t that bad.  Does that make me a slut too?  What would my mom say to me if she was still alive?  I mean, this is definitely not the world she grew up in.


I don’t know how i should feel!!!  Should I feel lucky I grew a body that was attractive and responsive?  I mean if I didn’t look this way I probably wouldn’t have spent 3 weeks as a sex slave to that gang of thugs.  But I also wouldn’t have made enough money to keep me fed for a couple weeks just for letting some guy fuck me.

I’m still confused and not sure how i should be reacting to this situation.