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Am I Livid… No… I’M PISSED

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It’s been a couple of days since someone hit me over the back of the head, dragged me into the old Watchmen base, took me down to the basement and tied me to a chair with the intention of torturing me only, I think, to get cold feet and when they heard so many people around and dousing me in petrol, luckily they were shit planners and ran out of gas and I was lucky to be found thanks to my AEGIS Radio.

First there was the shock of it happening, the smell of the gas in my nostrils, knowing what that piece of shit intended to do to me, then relief at rescue, the temporary warmth of the shower to wash the gas away and then anger. Am I livid? no I’m fucking pissed, coward attacked me from behind and then… I don’t need to write this down I know what that sick mother fucker planned.  I see so many new faces, it’s hard to not believe one of them was responsible, maybe it was the military uniform, maybe it was because I looked like some sort of authority figure which we both know I am not, or maybe they are just sick bastards that like to torture and burn people…   All I know is I am still pissed and am not going to just be glad to have escaped and to let this go, I want.. need, no I demand to know who that fucker was, thing is, I am not sure what I will do if I find them the scary part of it is that given what I have seen, what I have had to do to survive, I do not know how far I will go or if I am even capable of controlling the anger I feel towards this person sometimes I contemplate leaving it but how can I, I need answers even if I have to kill to get them.