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Coming Back Through

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I’d come to this island some time back and found the streets deserted. Oh, there were a couple of walkers that showed up at inopportune times but, you know what I mean. There wasn’t anyone human to talk to. Maybe that’s a good thing. Most of the humans I’ve come across lately are more dangerous than the foul, disease-ridden creatures that seem driven only by an instinct of hunger that can never be satisfied. I pray for the souls that once occupied those animated corpses. I hope they had the chance to receive salvation before their lives were ripped away.

Anyway, I decided to come back here because there is shelter aplenty and the isolation from the mainland seems to keep the walkers from assembling in hordes. And guess what. I saw some people here. I didn’t talk to them, though since they all were heavily armed and I wasn’t sure how they would react to me. At any rate, their presence tells me there’s enough food on this island to sustain life. Come sunrise, I think I’ll do some exploring and try to find water and something to eat. I only have a couple of cans of food left and, if I’m going to make it here, I need to find a steady source. Maybe I can rig up some small game traps. I do hope there’s a fresh water spring or something around here. My mouth is so dry but I know with Jesus I will never truly thirst.