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  1. K

    A Few Days of Surviving

    It’s been a few days since I could take a pen to paper. Everyone seems to be very kind here. In the little bit of time since coming to the island of Arklay, I have ran into both kind and helpful faces. Managing to finally make my own progress. Scavenging...
  2. K

    One of ‘THOSE’ days

    I guess not everyday can be full of adventure, and much like the everyday ordinarily, you have your ups and downs. Today was one of those for me. Started the day not feeling very well initially, went for a scavenge, but turned up empty-handed, so went hunting, barely making it...
  3. K

    Fitting in to take care of each other

    I guess in a way it is all working. I found work with the ATC, putting in some time over there,getting to know a few of the people that come through there, and have already been injured, and made my first ‘Hello’ to the Hospital. Yes, I think I’m starting...
  4. K

    Day 5 since my Arrival.

    Learning Arklay is still trivial although i like the people I’m running into. A few have been passer by’s but a couple I have managed to create bonds with and in hopes of doing that, i will be able to become someone to contribute to the struggling and growing community...
  5. K

    my first severe injury

    Well it appears that after 5 stitches i am on the mend thanks to a Nurse by the name of Pacey at the hospital. She was most helpful so i gave her what i could to help. People like her, of whom have survived a catastrophe as we did, are...
  6. K

    Arkley: Our New Home?

    So about 4 days ago I landed in Arkley. I had to leave my truck behind once I got to the shore and continued my search for my wife after i reached the island. I ended up finally finding her in an abandoned building shortly after arriving as I was...