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  1. Thomas Littledeer

    Me and you

    Well, looks like its me and you for now. I came to the mainland in hopes of finding some medical supplies for the hospital. Now I’m stuck on the fourth floor in an actual hospital room, got five infected peeking through the small window as I write this. I suppose...
  2. Thomas Littledeer

    Living & exisitng

    Had a good talk with Baymo yesterday, we learned a bit about each other, our struggles… Our losses. She is a senior at the shop and a very good person, not many can hold it together enough to be good to others, especially in times like these. Most folks slip...
  3. Thomas Littledeer

    Employment & people

    I woke up crying this morning, I know you don’t want to hear that, but sometimes I feel so hopeless without the two of you. Got the job at the general store, and some food and water, not to mention a decent advance in pay, sorely needed. Dale is the...
  4. Thomas Littledeer

    Seeking work

    Well I just left the hospital, not because I’m hurt in any way. I just thought a second application couldn’t hurt, in case the general store didn’t pan out. I’m so not that sort of intelligence you know babe, I’m just a guy who likes the country. I really hope...
  5. Thomas Littledeer


    Hello my sweethearts, so I went into this town, Arklay, it’s actually an island. It seems safe enough, the infected still get within the land, but so far its nothing to be concerned about, they are easily fended off. Most of the places I have been through were not safety...
  6. Thomas Littledeer

    Thomas arrives

    Arklay? I don’t recall seeing this place on the map, but I’m tired and I can tell I wont be getting to a larger city anytime soon. Almost out of food and ammo, haven’t seen or heard an infected in the last four hours. That could be a good sign,...