Gensa Jameson
With any sim, there are a limited amount of space and prims, so not everyone is going to be able to have a physical place on sim to call home, that’s just entirely unrealistic. I understand people like to be able to stake claim to a sim they wish to spend a majority of their time, I’m the same way, but it’s absolutely impossible to give 726 people…[Read more]
Hey RaeLeeh
If you’d like to join the ATC we’d be happy to have you come RP with us, just stop by the old diner up in front of the Eights or IM me in-world if you see me on and I’m not there and I’ll come RP with you to make that happen (Delia can also help you if she’s there!). — Also, I wanted to give people a chance to do more while not on…[Read more]
These are the main points/questions discussed
**One thing that’s super important – is how to enter a combat scene or in fact, a forced fantasy scene too. Remember, before trying to interfere a forced fantasy scene or an existing combat scene, always be courteous and IM players involved in the scene for permission. Sometimes just…[Read more]
((Posted up around town.))
Arklay Citizens,
Looking for a job? Own a business and running out of supplies? – Arklay Trading Co. might be for you! Our primary focus is taking trips beyond the bridge to scavenge for supplies in outlaying towns around Arklay in the hopes of trading with various businesses for their services in return. For more info…[Read more]
@Jutana – Far as the ETA on resting spots, I’m not 100% sure. There is still a lot of stuff in the works, so we’re trying to roll stuff out regularly. We just got the vendors out, so I’m sure the resting zones aren’t too far behind. – The idea for a drink that will heal you partially has also been suggested by other players as well and it’s…[Read more]
I think Jeremy and Tony both covered a lot of the concerns. I just wanted to point out something from Logan that I thought should be clarified. — Far as PvP combat goes, the HUD won’t actually tell you ‘Hey, you got shot in the face.” — It will tell you A.) If the shot hit or B.) If it missed. It’s entirely up to the player ‘where’ the shot hit…[Read more]
Interested in creating your own band of survivors? There’s a few steps you need to take in order to do so! Please visit this link to learn more:
I just wanted to put this out there and then you all can get back to throwing out your ideas. — Epsilon is just a security firm working with Deimos to protect the integrity of the research done up there on the hill by the smart science people ^.^ — AES is made up of cops (which there are currently like 3 cops total, I think) and medics.…[Read more]
The water in Arklay Island has been infected by a mysterious bacteria. People all around may find themselves having symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, and pain because of it.
((OOC: The particular bacteria won’t just run it’s course. It must be treated. IM Viktor Blanchett (rick.zebendein) if you’d like more information.))
I also just wanted to add to this, that we’ve already had several storylines and mini-events since the sims been open that people could participate in. We’ve had zombie hordes roll through town, the flu going around, Jutana started a story at Coach’s with clues for people to find, Dale had the fat zombie stuck in the pond that barely anyone seemed…[Read more]
The diner on the hill isn’t actually a diner. It’s going to be gutted at some point, from what I gather. — Sam N’Ella’s is the soup kitchen I’m guessing you’re referring to if you mean the cargo containers that are across from Coach’s.
Truth –
Taketomi –
Exile –
Dura –
Damselfly -…[Read more]
Notice sent out on Thursday the 15th:
The helicopter yesterday evening echoed through the mountains of the towns outlaying Arklay, drawing the attention of many newly infected. A large group could be seen shambling their way across the bridge & dispersing throughout the town. You might also begin to start seeing the first signs of the flu due to…[Read more]
Yeah, don’t worry about that prompt. The whole outbreak email thing is something that still needs to be fixed, so just ignore that message
A tool belt would be entirely feasible. We’re not really limiting melee weapons if they’re common things such as tools would be. We -will- be putting some restrictions on certain melee type weapons that would be harder to come by and not as easily obtained, but anything within a tool belt or something your character would have used as a carpenter…[Read more]
After the official launch there will be rental areas around the sim available, as well as, rez permits for a certain number of prims. Since the build isn’t finished yet and we’re only allowing approved applicants into the sim for a sort of ‘soft’ opening, they won’t be allowing rezzing or rentals until everything is complete, so that it doesn’t…[Read more]