IrClaire Resident
I’ve mentioned this to Dale earlier, but been forced politely encouraged to write it here
“Free for all bin”
Experienced players are overloaded with stuff, stuff we can’t sell or stuff we will never use but can bare to just delete. I think a bin in which anyone can chuck stuff in and take stuff out would be great. All the rotten meat and…[Read more]
I am all for the WM coming back, we need them. What I have a concern with is the Wm need strong and stable leadership (Hur hur, politics). This means a plan, a real drive and plan to get people interested in joining. What I want to know is how you plan to recruit people, will you have recruitment events? What incentive will you give people? It’s…[Read more]
With Arkley wanting to be a more ‘trading’ post, prostitution will always be wanted…I mean it’s the oldest line of work in our world! People always want to get their rocks off somewhere, the drugs? Well they will be offered with a pitch about how great would it be to really forget your troubles? People are too busy in trying to survive to really…[Read more]
The Dollhouse will be giving baths, I do intend for Al to get the filtration system fixed and offering baths to the populace of Arkley as the Dollhouse has always done. I’m not wanting to take away from what already exisits, merely enchance it. I would also be happy to drum up ideas with the current drug suppliers in Arkley, to get a real scene…[Read more]
Thanks for the support guys, it means a lot!
Vincent, I have answers! As for every member of the staff having to be strung out, that is no the case. Everyone can roleplay why they want to be a prostitute for whatever reason they want. The addiction is simply another tool in the DH belt to help give more reason if they so choose it. I haven’t put…[Read more]
I really like this idea, personally, would love a fishing feature in OB.
Maybe less “You can only do this 4 hours..” But have to sit there and wait for 20 mins before you hook anything? And even then it may not be a fish..but a nice boot.