JustAiden Resident
I like it The dollhouse does need a bit of help and I think Ava would do well
I like it The dollhouse does need a bit of help and I think Ava would do well
This Guy’s retarded don’t give it to him!!!!
Durants cool beans just sayin. And I approooooovvvveee.
You’re welcome.
This looks like it could be a fun idea. I especially like the gunsmiths angle, it would give people a chance to rp guns breaking down and needing repair and the like which would likely be realistic. Sounds like it has promise.
I like both of these proposals. From a personal standpoint I think both deserve honorable mention and approval I am sure the kinks can be worked out between the two as they have already shown initiative in that area before it was even mentioned that they try working together. A big thumbs up to both and to the opportunities for RP that I am…[Read more]
I want to say I like this idea, especially the Tsume angle. I also like the idea of Brett stepping up as well since he is a member already. I would have said something about you to figuring out how to work it out together but you have already said you are so yay!
I did want to address one issue. Any business whose lead has stepped down is open…[Read more]
Okay. With my original question clarified, here are a couple more.
With the security group proposed by Tisha/Rogue, that is already ICly in sort of place on sim for the town itself, where would the ARC be patrolling/scouting? I assume beyond the fringe so, off island? How would it be roleplayed out? When people join a group they will want…[Read more]
Okay. With my original question clarified, here are a couple more.
With the security group proposed by Tisha/Rogue, that is already ICly in sort of place on sim for the town itself, where would the ARC be patrolling/scouting? I assume beyond the fringe so, off island? How would be be roleplayed out? When people join a group they will want…[Read more]
I agree entirely that a group lead should encourage the types of behavior, skills, and traits to be cultivated in his/her people.
My question is more ICly based then. ICly we have a great many people types from good, bad, and ugly. And often times a mix of both. I have seen Characters willing to give their lives for their family/group, but you…[Read more]
A Mortal Blow
The Captain is Dead! Someone has killed the ever awesome Captain Jeoffery Mellar. His body lies in the street with a message carved in his chest with a razor blade.
“Love ad Kisses from Coaches” and a strange symbol that Japanese enthusiasts might recognize as a Kanji symbol.
IC INFO: this news would likely be spread like wild fire…[Read more]
I just wanted to clarify something for my own benefit in case I read something wrong. I see a good many statements about what the members of the group will be like, what skills they will have, even what sort of feelings/etc. they will have.
For Instance:
“•The members of the ARC will be determined and will mostly be dedicated to the cause o…[Read more]
I just wanted to clarify something for my own benefit in case I read something wrong. I see a good many statements about what the members of the group will be like, what skills they will have, even what sort of feelings/etc. they will have.
For Instance:
“•The members of the ARC will be determined and will mostly be dedicated to the cause o…[Read more]
I just wanted to clarify something for my own benefit in case I read something wrong. I see a good many statements about what the members of the group will be like, what skills they will have, even what sort of feelings/etc. they will have.
For Instance:
“•The members of the ARC will be determined and will mostly be dedicated to the cause o…[Read more]
Whoop I’m for this because yeah .. Aiden can’t do it by himself .. obviously …. though since I’m a founding member does this vote count??
Yes …. and yes … Sounds well thought out and its not going to be just a run everybody down and kill em group, sounds kinda more organized crimeish and I like it
Just wanted to put something up here as we go. Sort of an update and some clarification as some questions/concerns have arisen.
This is a Story Arc, so some thing do get a little scripted to avoid everything just ending in a fire fight before the story begins. This is the first time we’ve tried this big of a story before and as such we are still…[Read more]
There is just one question that I have really and that is the part about the guns. The ATC does sell bigger guns like assault weapons and the like just limited because we don’t want everyone to have access to them. Does this mean they will no longer sell that sort and this business will take them over? Else how do we maintain the limitation so…[Read more]
I thank you.
I am aware As mentioned in a previous post.
Yes OOCly my focus is driving rp and helping the sim. Though the group is more IC and Aiden’s focus will be security, I will none the less be keeping that in mind the entire time. So all though Aiden will be working the security angle, I will still be trying to direct rp towards each group, not just the security groups.
And yeah. Most days I rp…[Read more]