the black widdow
9 years, 1 month ago
9 years, 1 month ago
Zekintha Metaxas
As long as people can keep the Department from out bad-ing the bad guys. i.e. having a firm line that will not be crossed and if you cross it you’re out. That’s what is supposed to be the difference between the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’, having that line that just can’t be crossed. With the whole ‘take them to the fringe” thing being a last resort, not…[Read more]
9 years, 1 month ago
Zekintha Metaxas
So the main question here is this: How does this promote RP for EVERYONE?
You plan on making the Eights completely self reliant, which in turn cuts out need to interact with any of the other businesses, unless it benefits you. and thus undermines the already established businesses.
Why go to the store to buy something when they can just get it…[Read more]
9 years, 5 months ago
Zekintha Metaxas
I think forming a group that does the same things as other groups isn’t needed, we need diversity. Doing so because you don’t think that the people who want to form this group with you and the people in the other groups will get along is not a rational reason.
You’re claiming that some things that have happened don’t matter because your group…[Read more]
9 years, 5 months ago
Zekintha Metaxas
Here’s one that I think would be useful to everyone.
Technology is dead, only a small hand full of people have walkie talkies. Businesses don’t want to just send an employee out to tell someone something, there is work to be done. Individuals may not want to leave where they are, or may not be able to.
Having people who can run…[Read more]
9 years, 5 months ago
Zekintha Metaxas
If you used just a candle then yes, there would only be a very limited light radius. However, if you backed the candle with some sort of reflective/semi-reflective material such as metal then you would increase the amount of light. (aside from behind the reflector, obviously)
One major thing that needs consideration is the candles themselves.…[Read more]
9 years, 6 months ago
Zekintha Metaxas
Why not flesh this out into something more like an actual station?
Reporters, because someone’s gotta go out there and find the news.
Station Manager and editors, someone’s gotta make sure everything that goes out on the air is legit as well as makes sense.
Obviously there are many positions that can be made, the point is to make the station a…[Read more]
9 years, 7 months ago
Zekintha Metaxas
9 years, 10 months ago
Zekintha Metaxas
A few questions.
How will you go about hunting the animals? Crossbows and handguns are far from ideal for hunting anything but small animals, they lack the range and power to take down larger animals. As ammo is rather pricey, how will you afford more? Will the benefit outweigh the cost?
How will you get the carcasses from where the animals are…[Read more]
9 years, 11 months ago
Zekintha Metaxas
Yeah, I have been running things at the garage but not actually the lead. Thank you for thinking I was the lead though.
9 years, 11 months ago
Zekintha Metaxas
10 years ago
Zekintha Metaxas
Just wanted to toss this into the mix: Regardless of the working status of the Workers Needed signs, it’s a good idea to RP out getting hired and starting at which ever place anyone chooses to work at. It helps your character get to know their boss(s) and for them to get to know your character as well as establishing yourself as more than just a…[Read more]
10 years ago
Zekintha Metaxas
Does your place of business or residence need to have its water filtered, to keep all that zombie gunk from ending up in your Kool Aid? If yes, then head on over to Dixons and go home with your own water filtering today. This offer will not expire while you wait, though supplies are semi-limited, so don’t wait too long.
Please note that these a…[Read more]
10 years ago
Zekintha Metaxas
<span style=”color: #414b52;”>Does your place of business or residence need to have its water filtered, to keep all that zombie gunk from ending up in your Kool Aid? If yes, then head on over to Dixons and go home with your own water filtering today. This offer will not expire while you wait, though supplies are semi-limited, so don’t wait too l…[Read more]
10 years ago
Zekintha Metaxas
Does your place of business or residence need to have its water filtered, to keep all that zombie gunk from ending up in your Kool Aid? If yes, then head on over to Dixons and go home with your own water filtering today. This offer will not expire while you wait, though supplies are semi-limited, so don’t wait too long.
Please note that these are…[Read more]
10 years, 1 month ago
Zekintha Metaxas
The whole point of this thread is to make a list of IDEAS. Don’t think of this as a list of things we are going to do, think of it more as a wishlist.
It is NOT a place to say other ideas are invalid because there are other ideas of stuff to do, because no idea is invalid and no one thing on the list is more important than any other thing. It is…[Read more]