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Home Forums Introductions "Coyote"

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of lunawaterlily-resident lunawaterlily-resident 9 years, 5 months ago.

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Susan Davidson, Also known as Coyote. is a 20 year old southern gal who suffers from PTSD... She dosnt talk a whole lot other than short choppy sentences. She is smart in certain ways, being brought up in the mountains she can hunt and fish... things she grew up around. She is not good with hand to hand combat and prefers trapping or finding exits than actually fighting. She learned some about fighting, mainly self defense from a father figure who was a retired Navy Seal. Still having not grasped what he taught she finds more creative ways around things. Mainly trying to stay invisible for the time being or running away. Coyote loves to scavenge and find things that she can sell, trade, or can be useful in the long haul. She will find her useful place in Arklay... but for now she works at the general store, maybe selling things she finds there?

July 9, 2015 at 10:18 pm
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