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What Now?

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(This page is badly damaged by water, as she was writing it in the rain, all words are smudged and hard to read.)

What now?

I keep asking myself.

What now?

I got the van to the garage, the girl there said she’d fix it up in no time. So thats good. I have given out more care packages, I have been working very hard to provide these supplies to people and be able to feed myself and my little puppy Kip, I work all day every day, I see people come and go. I try to help as much as I can. I loose more than I earn, but I do it anyway.


I dont know why, I just do. I want others to be happy I guess, I want others to see that the is something worth fighting for in this world. I had something worth fighting for.

I loved her.

I dont actually remember agreeing to just be together until someone else comes along, I thought it was if we liked each other and how it was going we wouldnt share each other.

I want her to be happy, so I said I was ok with it, I know she was hurting because of her decision, so I smiled and said it was ok.

Its alright……I guess Ill be ok. I have Kip, and I have my friends.

I really do hope shes happy, I’ll always be there for her when she needs me.
