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Day 1

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Dear Diary, I finally arrived on the island at least what I hoped was the island from the broadcast after being separated from my two sisters Groovy and Jenna. I had to travel through woods and encounter a stranger begging for spare can of food told him I didn’t have any and kept on my journey searching for civilization. Once I had came to the end of the woods I saw huge gate that was very tall and long only hoping there was other survivors inside the gate. I walked around the gate which seemed to take forever before I came to the opening which had guards posted at the entry and told him that I heard the broadcast and the checked me for any wounds or bites from the infected and allowed me to enter inside. I then started to search for my two sisters and in the crowd of others that have arrived after searching and seeing many starved and injured people and covered in dirt I final found them and I was so excited. My eyes filled with tears as I ran up to my sisters and wrapped my arms around them I was so excited and I told them I was so scared that I would not see them again or if they even made it to the Island, I was so gald…