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  1. Irish Viking

    Been MANY days!

    I have been gone for a long bit now.. I wondered off to look for further supplies.. not just for self but for trade and to help the store if at all possible.. I ran into a fewer dead than normal which indicates to me they are either gathering in...
  2. Irish Viking


    So .. just another day.. seems a lot of the town is out on outings.. I went to the store and fixed the fridges so they would be more quiet.. god.. a bunch of dust and old bones of rats and what not.. after a little while there I ran...
  3. Irish Viking

    In the Beginning

    Well it is the 5th of May 1017.. seems like forever since the outbreak.. but I finally found a place to rest.. Arklay Island.. seems well outfitted.. there is food.. water.. a security style set up.. I have even found the materials to build a shelter.. it’s a shack.. not...