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  1. Kali

    What’s the point?

    Kali sat on the metal steps as she tended to do every night she wasn’t working at Coach’s around the same time –3 AM.   She took a nice long drag off her joint and held it in until it burned and she began coughing.  It was good… or maybe it...
  2. Kali

    3 O’Clock Blues

    Kali sat cross-legged on the landing of the metal stairs at the Royal Palms and smoked a joint.  The moon was so bright, washing everything in a silvery glow that just looked amazing when stoned.   Too bad nothing was amazing anymore.  She kept her feet tucked in because of fucking...
  3. Kali


    Ya know… I used to have a diary when I was younger and had no flippin’ clue how to keep it.  Some days I used it like a Twitter account.  “8:20  Gonna take a shower.  8:30 going back in, forgot to shave my legs!  8:40 I hate when I have...
  4. Kali

    Working Girl

    Ya know what?  Fuck the silence.  Working at Coach’s has been good.  It’s something to do, and if I can make someone forget for a little while, then I’m gonna do that.  So I bring in my iPod and those little portable speakers Buck had gotten me–because either the juke...