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  1. Rumor

    Settled Down Into Something

    So I’ve been here like, what… two weeks? Feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago. The start was difficult. People had a right to be weary of newcomers. I am...
  2. porshilla-starr


    It’s been some time. I wandered off for awhile. In search of others, in search of supplies and medicine. I haven’t found other people, alive anyways. But I did come...
  3. Profile photo of Hayley

    It’s been…

    “On December 9, 2014, Hayley Jo Young stumbled onto Arklay Island…” How many days ago… 1003 days How many weeks ago… 143 weeks How many months ago… 32 months How many hours ago… 24072 hours How many minutes...
  4. Sweetie

    Curiouser and curiouser

    Weird times. So the new boss of the caff, Ashes, has only gone and brought some goats. There’s three of them, and they all look totally cute and I know...
  5. Baymo

    moving – entry 006

      My old hippie van crapped out on me in San Francisco, of all places, but his laundry truck has served me well. I have spent quite a few nights...
  6. Profile photo of Hayley

    The Beginning Of the End of Days

    I remember like it was yesterday… the deafening emergency signal over my parent’s TV interrupting their Jeopardy game show. Pops wasn’t too happy, but he had quieted down the moment...
  7. leralu-bracken

    Surviving is good enough

    “My handwriting utterly is ilegible,  bordering on ‘did you even go to school bruh’ level. So I care not who finds this, good luck translating!” drawn smiley face here. “Day...
  8. MeganOspanky Resident

    Baby worries

    After selling myself I kind of avoided the Dollhouse for a while.  Between the pay working there and the money for putting out to that guy I wasn’t really desperate...
