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  1. Caskca Resident

    Sex Life!

    14/08/2017,  Well what can I say, I thought that it was nothing special what the grown ups did and well being 18 makes me one too.  But had i known...
  2. Sweetie

    Selfie time!

    So I found this totally cool polaroid camera, but OMG, super difficult taking selfies and you only get one go! But I totally had to do a selfie when all...
  3. Sweetie

    nom nom nom

    Oh my gosh… Like what the fuck? Okies, so deep breath and like gather. I get back into town, pretty much the first place I get to is the caff,...
  4. Rishalou Beika

    Early Start

    Well Vym, you certainly need to up your game…. Went out early to try hunting. Gotta say, never thought I’d end up soaking wet chasing that boar. It’s what I...
