Tah Crazyboi
I vote yes and commend you on your continued determination to bring roleplay to the island.
I vote yes and commend you on your continued determination to bring roleplay to the island.
Yes. – Best of luck with it.
( Old Keepers Handbook, should you find it at all useful in developing your own material. )
Yes. – Best of luck with it.
I’m always up for growth and activity, and would love to see more old businesses come back, but Arklay has changed since those glory days.
We have a weed shop for drugs, and weed is more effective according to the current Commodity list – ( http://outbreak.sl/about/commodities/ ), offering a better high, though pills do seem to give you one point…[Read more]
I’m always up for growth and activity, and would love to see more old businesses come back, but Arklay has changed since those glory days.
We have a weed shop for drugs, and weed is more effective according to the current Commodity list – ( http://outbreak.sl/about/commodities/ ), offering a better high, though pills do seem to give you one point…[Read more]
I love this idea, though I do think it could be expanded upon if the proposing parties were so inclined.
My partner and I had discussed the idea of a feed store ourselves, so I’m happy to see something similar proposed.
That said, I would hope to see an increase in the use of horses in sim to send these folks some business, since right now I…[Read more]
I love this idea, though I do think it could be expanded upon if the proposing parties were so inclined.
My partner and I had discussed the idea of a feed store ourselves, so I’m happy to see something similar proposed.
That said, I would hope to see an increase in the use of horses in sim to send these folks some business, since right now I…[Read more]
Even on mobile you still see the avi. If you are in a scene and you can not see an avatar it is a glitch. You can IM them or say ooc they you can’t see them. Having them change their group or sometimes just sitting then standing will correct this. If those don’t work the person or you may need to relog.
APPROVED! Please send me (KayKay Stine) an IM in world to get you set up.
Arklay’s Closet
By Juniper Ellisson
TYPE: Thrift Shop/Clothing Store
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Outbreak/111/179/30
OVERVIEW: Arklay’s Closet will be primarily like the thrift shops you found before the Outbreak, selling used/scavenged clothing for the people of Arklay. We will also provide alteration services. Two years int…[Read more]
APPROVED! congrats. Please contact me in-world to get you set up.
The Dollhouse
By irclaire resident
OVERVIEW: The direction I would take the Dollhouse is a dark and dirty one. Gone are the days of a nice and respectable brothel, say hello to the crack den of your dreams. My plan is to start a higher influx of harder drugs into the roleplay of the Dollhouse, by adding a good old fashioned meth…[Read more]
Very good idea, both Kali and myself have brought this up before – but even now people can RP fishing. I know I personally have done it, did a roll of the dice on if I caught anything and then how many in the hour. This was when ATC first got fish, RPed doing the work to have a reason for what I sold.
November: (Covers: Roles/Attire, Medicine, Medpack & Antibiotics, Bite Victims (what to do), Charts, Roster, Payday, Weapons, NPC’s, Camping/AFKing, and IC/OOC Conflicts)
December: (Covers: Charging Patients, Info. about commodities, Medicines, Becoming a doctor, H1NZ Virus Vs. The Infected, H1ZN “The Zombie Flu”, and The Infected Bundibugyo E…[Read more]
November: (Covers: Roles/Attire, Medicine, Medpack & Antibiotics, Bite Victims (what to do), Charts, Roster, Payday, Weapons, NPC’s, Camping/AFKing, and IC/OOC Conflicts)
December: (Covers: Charging Patients, Info. about commodities, Medicines, Becoming a doctor, H1NZ Virus Vs. The Infected, H1ZN “The Zombie Flu”, and The Infected Bundibugyo E…[Read more]
APPROVED! Please contact me (KayKay Stine) in world to get sat up… Congrats
Pork n Pit
By Sharona Verne
TYPE: Pork/meat farm and butcher (supplier)
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fever/93/18/26
OVERVIEW: A pig farm/butcher that provides pork as well as smoked/bbqd meats to businesses primarily, and in a somewhat more limited fashion to the public. Employing a few distributors and farm hands. The face of…[Read more]
okay closing this for now, please contact me to get you set up.
I do have a few concerns. As this seems almost the same as the shelter we already have in place. For the most part our shelter relies on donations. Also Ben has packaged up things to let people know whats going on around the sim, where to work and such. We also have soup in the kitchen at times (when someone is available to RP serving and com…[Read more]
Approved. Please contact me (Kay) in-world. congrats.