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Bex had lost track of time. She had sat in the car rigid and almost afraid to breathe. Her hands still clasped the steering wheel and her eyes were fixed, unwavering, on the rear view mirror. Every second that passed felt like an agonizingly long day, and yet still she watched the road behind her. Willing, praying even pleading in her mind for the sight of his truck, or even just him to appear. He never came. The sound of her own pulse thundered in her ears and everything around her seemed so…still. The light was by now fading along with her hope that Jon would be okay. She knew she had to move, she needed to get to the place on the road signs before dark. Reaching for the glove compartment, Bex pulled out the old appointments book she kept at the salon. Her eyes scanned over names of those long gone to her, and she fought against the sting of emotion that washed over her like salt water in an open wound. She reached for the pencil that was inside the book, and tearing out a page she scribbled fast.

I should have stayed, you told me to go but I should have stayed…Where are you baby, its getting dark? I passed a road sign for a place called Arklay. Im heading there…. Find me.

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