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active 8 hours, 38 minutes ago
  • 7 years, 9 months ago


    I think its hard enough getting people to play prostitutes on any sim where people just give it up for free let alone in an environment where their character would need to be strung out. To what Baymo said, there’s plenty of reason in the apocalypse (even one with functional business’ and paychecks.) to whore, you’ve got a commodity people want…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    The first floor of the hospital has bunks for Refugee’s (under where the beds are for healing on the second floor) and the Third floor of the hospital is housing for the AES officers and Medical staff. I myself tend to tell everyone I come across that Refugee’s (IE: Homeless) can stay at the hospital, but everyone just ‘lives in the woods.’ I…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    I’d personally like to see more done with the howlers before something like this would be approved because truth be told I feel like the majority of what this proposal seems to be for are things that could just be developed naturally through Role-play. There’s mention of protection from gangs; but there is only one gang on sim for the time being…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    I’d personally like to see more done with the howlers before something like this would be approved because truth be told I feel like the majority of what this proposal seems to be for are things that could just be developed naturally through Role-play. There’s mention of protection from gangs; but there is only one gang on sim for the time being…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 11 months ago


    I’ve always sort of worked off this idea, In perdition I found this nice doorway I liked around the corner from the pub and whenever i needed an ‘address’ I’d always just say I lived there, or lead people there and then either end the scene or TP off sim. I think knowing where your character would stays, weather they’re living in a van, down by…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 12 months ago


    I doubt that Deimos would just release infected animals out into the wild after they’ve been infected, but that doesn’t mean that flickering power outages and things of that nature couldn’t break containment and let some weird shit wander down the mountain; it’d give Epsilon a reason to roll into town with shot guns and hard ons to cover up the…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 12 months ago


    I doubt that Deimos would just release infected animals out into the wild after they’ve been infected, but that doesn’t mean that flickering power outages and things of that nature couldn’t break containment and let some weird shit wander down the mountain; it’d give Epsilon a reason to roll into town with shot guns and hard ons to cover up the…[Read more]

  • 9 years, 12 months ago


    I doubt that Deimos would just release infected animals out into the wild after they’ve been infected, but that doesn’t mean that flickering power outages and things of that nature couldn’t break containment and let some weird shit wander down the mountain; it’d give Epsilon a reason to roll into town with shot guns and hard ons to cover up the…[Read more]

  • 10 years ago


    I think that commodities are considerably more.. ‘valuable’ than their financial counterparts and I’m sure that at some point, once the hud itself has been suitably fleshed out, that flavor commodities such as bic lighters, clothes, hair spray, fancy hats, bobble heads and nudie girl pens will be added but that the money = everything system…[Read more]

  • 10 years ago



    While I understand why merging the strip club and the brothel could be beneficial in some ways; I think having them separate could inspire quite a bit of role play via the competitive nature of the business’ themselves, as well as provide two entirely different environments as the brothel it seems would be upscale, and the strip club…[Read more]

  • 10 years ago


    Isaac replied to the topic Scavenging in the forum Announcements 10 years ago

    So, are the scavenge points timed globally or per player? Because i tried to use the system and i was told in a blue notice ‘you have a feeling you wont get lucky again so soon.” and in local chat I was told that I saved my strength. But… I’ve not used the scavenging system yet which leads me to believe that if other people use the dumpsters,…[Read more]

  • 10 years ago


    I think the main reason Epsilon wouldn’t raid the rebel fuel supply (however it comes in through or from the docks) is because they wouldn’t want to rock the boat, they can currently do the research they need to without stealing from anyone; in time that could change, but they would only barely benefit from assaulting anyone, Rebels, AES, or town,…[Read more]

  • 10 years ago


    As Gensa said, the AES are mostly Medical, a few police who stuck around, their reach is limited as all hell. Deimos doesn’t give a shit about what’s at the end of their mountain unless it directly effects them; the Original rebel charter was a group of people (pre outbreak) who hated that Deimos had sort of taken over what was once the island…[Read more]

  • 10 years ago


    I think a Strip club is a great idea especially in cooperation with coaches, the brothel up the hill while offering some overlap seems pointed at a different market but the overlap is key, it leaves enough room for both business’ while offering enough competition to bring kidnapping of girls, bar torching and crazyness into the mix.

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