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  1. geoffrey welders

    Ride Out the Storm

    Awoke to a different sound yesterday. Usually, it’s one of the dead ones bumping up against my fence or a new neighbor moving in. That time though, it was the hard rain and wind pounding  on the trailer. Kind of unnerving. Could feel the walls giving a bit as they...
  2. Profile photo of phillip aubin

    Entry 001 – October 18 2016

    So I found this tattered ass journal on my way over here to Arklay, not that I even knew this place was here to begin with, so it was a pleasant surprise. Now about this journal, it was next to a dead body, some even dead-er walkers, and a husk...
  3. Chava

    Chava *1*

    Tempest Is my real name but renamed myself Chava least for now in case my old biker buddies try to show up in this island. I am still alive surviving lucky I guess scavenging pays off here in this town Arklay though I do have two jobs now one at...
  4. Silvy Dean

    Where is Silvy?

    2 and a half months earlier… Silvy woke in the middle of the night. Many times she was doing this, and it had perhaps become one of her worst habits. She tossed and turned lightly a few times. One of the pups huffing in annoyance as she did so. The...