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  1. Marko


    It was bound to happen I guess. I feel like crawling under a porch to die. My whole fucking life I have to be this way. Humiliation doesn’t come close to describing it. My head is throbbing from the buckets of moonshine I sucked up last night just to calm...
  2. Marko


    I got a new job tending bar. If The Walking Dead and Cheers had a love child it would be this place. A place where everybody knows your name, assuming your name is BRAINS. I like the crew a lot, really good people that I fell in with very naturally....
  3. Annalise Hart


    Been a lot of changes lately…where do I start? It’s been a while since I last wrote down anything…part of that fact was I had my arm in a sling for three weeks. AGAIN. That was absolutely delightful. Today marked my 100th day in Arklay…well, yesterday, it’s probably past midnight...
  4. Morsmordre Furman

    Dog Days

    (Please note the following is actually written in Russian)   I now have a dog. I have been taking care of it for a few days but I will admit I did not expect to really let it out. The dog is small, I think a corgi. It answers to...
  5. Marko


    Well, we’re fucked. There have been rumors of a new strain of the infection that has wiped out other settlements. As if things needed to get worse, I talked to a nice woman named Dessa who works at the hospital and she told me that they are considering mandatory blood...
  6. Gidjet Rockwell

    Shit got real

    We took it for granted really. The gates. For some reason everyone believed that it was going to protect us against any walker that came to it. Sure they were stupid, but when there are big gapping holes to fit through, I’m pretty sure they’re not THAT stupid. And they...