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What Hasnt Changed Since The Outbreak

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You know what sucks? I mean, other than the fact that the entire world as we know it has been replaced by a universe filled with thousands of subhuman cannibbals that want to eat you… but what really really fucking sucks


Now when youve been trained to handle Rejection better than anybody in their right mind could, it stops hurting after awhile. The hard puncture to the round of your chest now feels more like a paper cut, or a bee-sting, so no need to say, I thought I was done with dealing with the pain. but silly was I to get myself wrapped up in a universe that has always put me on the bottom of the list, important enough to be eaten, but not enough to be  chewed up and spit out and put out of my misery.

This world has never been kind, but at least now I know that being the last person on earth does nothing but cause more trouble than what you started with. I have no place here. I have no say, no Effect on anything that could come forth, and this leads me to wonder why the fuck im still alive, why the fuck am I still here, still breathing, still living, still taking up space.

sometimes I wonder if I became a biter, would I  have more friends than I do now.