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  1. Jubal Quintus


    Dear Emily, Thora and I have resolved to help the animals of the island. We didn’t have much else to offer and honestly, the fucking world ended, why toil at a “job” that has no meaning? So we cleared out a shop and using what I learned as a boy...
  2. Jubal Quintus


    Dear Emily, I’m struggling to understand what it will mean to be a parent in this place. Yesterday I hacked a child to death with my tomahawk. Had I not done it, someone else would have, so I can’t say that I saved a life. How do I reconcile this,...
  3. Jubal Quintus


    Dear Emily, I dreamt of you last night. You and those horses.  I don’t know what to make of it just yet, but it frightened me. I visited the horses yesterday and during the brief time I was there several infected showed up. I’m worried that they are drawn to...
  4. Jubal Quintus

    A Fool

    Dear Emily, I made a fool of myself these  last few days. I got hurt, pretty badly, fighting some roamers. I hadn’t slept in three days, I had no business taking them on, but I did. Haven’t been feeling myself lately. I think everything is taking a toll, I don’t...
  5. Jubal Quintus

    Dearest Emily

    Dearest Emily, I’m sorry. It should have been me or this should have been you. But now, I’m here, Thora is carrying my baby, and you’re just as we left you.  I’m so sorry. So very sorry. My love. I should have been the one to get sick, not you....
  6. Jubal Quintus

    Three Years

    Three years. Hard to reckon with that but it’s true. Found this old composition book and thought I might as well keep a journal. Who knows, maybe one day it’ll help someone understand what happened here. Arklay Island. What a shithole this is, but it’s the best we’ve seen yet....