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  1. Sabas Morten

    The End is West

    A town, Isa. Can you believe it? I found a town. People living within a territory where they have stores, a pub, a hospital… If it wasn’t for the derelict...
  2. Lena M. Howlett

    A New Begining

    I’m not sure how we found our way here, but at least it’s somewhere with people for a change. Dad’s dead, but Missy, Luckie, and I somehow managed to make...
  3. Rishalou Beika

    Keeping on.

    How long has it been since I wrote last in this? Was before I got sick. I feel like I’ve been down for awhile now. The only good thing was...
  4. page eames


    We arrived in Arklay two days ago— tired, hungry, and somewhat lucky. We found a huge old house out in the middle of nowhere and decided to hunker down there...
  5. Sweetie

    Shit happens

    Oh my gosh… the last few days… totally horrible, I mean big time. Dunno how it happened, except I guess I probly do, coz I been drinking water from the...
