November: (Covers: Roles/Attire, Medicine, Medpack & Antibiotics, Bite Victims (what to do), Charts, Roster, Payday, Weapons, NPC's, Camping/AFKing, and IC/OOC Conflicts)
December: (Covers: Charging Patients, Info. about commodities, Medicines, Becoming a doctor, H1NZ Virus Vs. The Infected, H1ZN “The Zombie Flu", and The Infected Bundibugyo Ebolavirus-Z (BEBOV-Z), or The Contagion)
January: (Covers: Pausing New Arrival Exams, Extensive Info. on HUD sickness (how to diagnose & treat), Camping, Areas of the hospital, and what is what and who is allowed where)
February: (Covers: Roles (what we are in need of staff wise), The Hospital (where people should be and not be & more), Weather (due to bad rains shelter is open to people displaced), Medicine (need of donations), NPC’s (important info about them), Chats (please make them and turn them in)
March: (Covers: Multiple Jobs/Faction (Each person should only be working ONE job on sim), Wore Attire (there has been some updates to what staff can wear), Drop box for charts (a box had been placed in lobby for staff to drop patients charts into), Staff pager (has been removed for now), Staff IDs (please contact KayKay Stine for your AES staff photo ID), Doses for antibiotics (always start with only ONE dose at a time now, see if they are recovering or suffering, if suffering try another dose, no more than 3), Medical Fees (so that no one over charges patients and gives the hospital a bad rep. Staff can charge up to $150 per comod.), Donations (just letting everyone know what we need and what to do with them), Inventory (thought of bringing in a way to inventory items, still in works), NC Updates (I am still working on redoing and updating NCs, will send out a notice when changes are made)
NOTE: These are just break downs of what post is about please click the links and review them all. If you have any questions or concerns contact your lead or manager.
- COMMODITIES: These are not bottomless pits! The hospital is very limited on its resources. Please only take what you RP getting. Anything more or without RP should be reported to lead for misuse of this feature. Also if you RP as a janitor or lab tech you would not have access to medical supplies. Only nurses and doctors would have access please page one or NPC as one.
- ATTIRE: As noted in March updates we made some updates to what the medical staff may wear. Here is an example of the female non-scrubs for doctors and nurses. Click here for image
- SMOKING/ANIMALS: Neither are allowed in the building the NPC guards and other staff would stop anyone entering from smoking or bringing in animals. (Note: This is mainly for the 1st and 2nd floor, the Doc ICly has never stopped anyone from lighting up on the 3rd floor, however if shelter staff stops you you comply or deal with IC consequences)
- BUILD/ROOMS: First things first the hospital is clean, we can not change the build but know that ICly it is very clean - Next it is a hospital, maybe one in the midst of an apocalypse but it is functional with staff (rather you see them there or not) there are rooms that are not accessible to just anyone. Offices are off limits without OOC permission. Think of them like someones home you can't just enter them and make yourself at home without asking. The leads office does have the register in it (for now) but please only come in and get it OOC or cam click from just outside. ICly checks would be left with desk clerk.
- ONE JOB/FACTION: Leads have come to an agreement that players can work at ONE job AND be a member of ONE faction. Still can only work in one place but now you can also join up a faction. This is to keep things fair and try and help stop some of the people trying to game the system. Remember we are here to have fun, not about who has the most HUD cash or tons of comods in their inventory.
- NOW HIRING: AES is looking to fill a few very important roles. Please apply within...
Doctors (2) Must still meet the criteria other than for the time being waving the wait time)
Nurses (n/a) Always in need of nurses
Charge Nurse (1) (manager position): This spot I as lead will be watching RP and charts seeing who is there, and does a good job! Over the next couple of weeks I will make my pick.
Security/Security Capt.: We are in need of guards and someone who can lead them. Must be qualified. Contact lead for more info.
EMTS (n/a): Work on foot as a first responded. Basic first aid info needed.
We have other spots open please contact lead for more info.
- MEDICINE DONATIONS: As staff you can receive donations of all sorts however medicines should be brought to lead both IC and OOC. Pills are fine however any medicine that must be injected will not be authorized to use. Due to the health risk. Medicines of that nature need to be kept at certain temperatures and have a very short shelf life. Using them could cause more harm than good and not a risk the lead is willing to take. (NOTE: There are lots of OTC pills and such, even condoms and home pregnancy test in the bottom of the medicine cabinet in the exam room)
That is about it for now. There will be some changes made in the next month or so, so please be on the look out. Also will announce another staff meeting in the coming weeks. All active staff should attend.
And as always if you have any story ideas you have please share with your lead or story weavers. We would love to work with you about something fun go the hospital or the sim! Have fun!
This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by KayKay Stine.
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