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Growing tired

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I don’t even know what day this is…or how long we’ve been out here. The day was exhausting. We tried getting into a corner store looking for canned food or anything we could get our hands on, and we were over run by those…those things. Those filthy decaying monsters who have turned this world into what it has now become. We faught them off as long as possible but we ended up having to retreat and tell ourselves that the store had probably been raided of anything good before we got there. We felt better thinking there was nothing in there worth taking anyways.

We ran until our legs were acheing, until it was just impossible to run any further. I don’t know which direction we’ve gone, but we’ve decided to stop here for the night. I’m not sure what happened to this house, but it’s been absolutely destroyed. There are barely any walls left, just ruins. Therion is asleep on what was probably the living room floor at one point. He found a wrench today, he’s hanging onto it for dear life as he lets out low rumbles in his slumber. I’m sitting outside, on what I can only imagine was this family’s car. Nothing more than a blackened frame now, but they must have had family vacations at one point in this thing. Not that I would know what a family feels like. This is the new world now though…it’s no longer a family vacation-mobile…it’s a higher point than the ground where I can keep watch while Therion gets some rest before we get on the move tomorrow. We’re far from that hoard we ran into earlier, they remind me of the druggies you see on the streets, they smell about the same and are driven only by what they know they need. The only difference is that these druggies also have ADD…so put a rabbit in front of them while they’re chasing something else, and they’ll completely forget what they were chasing to begin with and follow that rabbit. Please..let there have been a rabbit.

Why is it we haven’t seen anyone yet? We can’t be the only ones who have escaped this. There has to be more like us. Sure we kept mostly to rural areas rather than cities, but are we the only ones who had this idea? We need to know we’re not the only ones out here…if we go the rest of our lives like this, Therion is going to snap from my lack of participation in conversation and I will slip further into my belief that we are so fucked.

Please let tomorrow be the day that something changes for us..