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Endings and new beginnings.

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I was a soldier. I fought for my country, for honor, for my life. Not much is left of that now. Guess I’m just fighting for my life now.

I was an officer of law, I swore to protect and serve, to uphold the law. Not much is left of that now…

It’s been quite a while now, I’m not sure why I decided to write my thoughts down today of all days.  Perhaps it is to better understand what’s going on in my head these days. It’s not like there’s a shrink for hire these days is it?

When I moved to the states I bought myself a farm… I had had enough of noise. Enough of the hustle and bustle of London and most definitely enough of the mortar shells and bullet fire of the gulf war. Guess I thought I’d be able to settle down and have a peaceful life. Maybe have the kids come visit. Re-marry, have a new family… I don’t know, guess it wasn’t to be. I never saw any of my kids again… Not until last week. Funny how that works. The world comes crumbling down and somehow that leads to me seeing my daughter again. Though things are hardly the same now.

Either way, I guess it’s nice to have a family unit… Some kind of a sense of purpose… A little more to fight for than just my life…