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Land Ho!

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House of the Rising Sun

What a colossal fuck up. 2 and half years with this group, you think they would have learned to listen to my gut by now. I remember it like it was yesterday…

We’d been traveling together since the last settlement, heading toward the coast with plans to get a boat, gas it up, and live on it, only docking to forage for supplies. It was a brilliant plan. We went and found a group of survivors who claimed they had the supplies we’d need, willing to trade for ’em. Just wanted to meet us on the docks. I told them I didn’t like it, that the little shit was lying to us. I told them I could read people, and I know a bluff when I see one. They out-voted me. Now they are are all dead, serves the stubborn bastards right.

Soon as we show up, they brought more folks than we’d anticipated, and they were armed. I was backing toward the boat from the start, I told ’em we should bail, but we needed the supplies, and they said not to be paranoid. Heh.

When the gunfire broke out it was a bloody massacre, ambushed us worse than any horde of the infected. Fact is, the infected saved me. They were drawn to the gunfire and gave me enough distraction to break from cover and make a dash for the boat. There were all dead. They had to be dead, we were outnumbered and out gunned. What was I supposed to do? I left.

Would have been suicidally stupid to stick around and wait to see if anyone else made it out. They weren’t as lucky as me. They dug their own grave, let ’em lie in it. Anyway when I looked back I didn’t see anyone else at the end of the docks. It was utter chaos. No one else could have survived that. not any of our guys anyway. If I’d waited, the bandits would have caught me.

Bad enough I caught a bullet in that mess. Their mess. Wasn’t planning to stick around and get finished off. Got enough gas to get to that island I see in the distance, I’ve handled the wound as best I could, but I damn sure hope I can find some medicine over there. my supplies were not exactly sterile, and the fever is starting to set in. Just my luck, right? Survive that FUBAR’d situation, die of infection on some deserted island. Ah well, all I can do now is hope others have made it there before me.

Getting a bit dizzy, going to have a lie-down, boat’s pointed roughly toward the island, it’ll be fine…