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Life is so…

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Dear Diary

minutes are turning into hours, hours are turning into days, months…

I feel like we are being punished on this earth.. Things seem to never go right. At least my new bed has become my best friend. Life is just.. it makes you wonder why people are even trying to live… why they even try to find love and move forward. There is no forward anymore.

The best thing to do is just find a way to fill in the time til the biters finally get us all. That’s probably why I am struggling so hard, diary i am just waiting for my time.

I started usin, and it feels great til it wears off. Puts me in a whole different world where I don’t feel like total worthless shit. So i use, and sit at work til I am needed these days.

No diary, I don’t have a home anymore, don’t even have the one that said he loved me. He kicked me out, so i made friends with the couch at work. Least then I can get more hours right? ugh!

Let me update you on all the activities that have happened since I wrote into you last.. which was before my accident.

I got hit with a bat diary, a bat with barbed wire wrapped around it. It is pretty fuzzy to recall the full extent of that day but the pain, diary the pain was just unbearable! I remember waking up in a hospital bed… someone was standing above me, mark an emt.

So, since then i been struggling with my memory… not being able to remember new folks like i used to, nd jus feeling out of place. Thats why i started hiding at work diary. I can get high and wasted off my ass nd not a lot of people would be complaining about it, considering i ain’ got a lotta customers anyways. Which may be good, am ashamed of the way i look. The scar from the bat is.. well let’s just say im glad i don’t own a mirror these days. When my fingers run over it it feels ugly, and its hard to see out of my left eye.

And i made a promise to myself diary, no more love. No more of it. Why torture myself even more? This world tortures me enough i think. Anyways, nothing else to really say here… no promotion, no home, my life consists of work.

Bye diary.