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Living & exisitng

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Had a good talk with Baymo yesterday, we learned a bit about each other, our struggles… Our losses. She is a senior at the shop and a very good person, not many can hold it together enough to be good to others, especially in times like these. Most folks slip into the, “Every man for themselves,” mode, but there are some here working together to make it as close to a “life” as possible. And that is a welcome change, and that is something that I could be a part of; we stand a better chance together then apart. Baymo and I also walked to see a couple of apartments, we both agreed that the Eights Apartments was much more homey, and hopefully next week I will have a place of my own.

Dammit Ellen, I wish you were both here, not so much for all this carnage of infected, but because I love you and I wanted a life with you, that’s why I married you. I know whats done is done, but it still confuses and infuriates me to no end!

My mind says it will get better and maybe I will meet someone, and start a life again. But my heart… My heart pumps with bitterness and corrupts my mind to see things through a darker lens. That’s not living sweetheart, that’s just a day to day existence. (stabs his pen into the journal, it goes through a few pages.)