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Davish’s Log – Entry #1

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Davish entered the Dollhouse with dufflebag in hand, a weary sigh escaping the man as he made his way past his favorite little blue-haired lady. Taking the opportunity to ruffle her hair in passing, he dropped down into his usual seat and produced a notebook from his bag complete with a pencil that was only half-broken. Prior to beginning his log entry, the man produced a small cassette player and promptly hit the play button. The uplifting yet mellow tunes beginning to emanate from the music player. 

The crumbled and faded sheet of notebook paper was stained by the red hue of blood, or perhaps spilled koolaid. Despite this, the handwriting was reasonably neat and would be legible by most learned folk. 


Log Entry #1  – Well these past few days have been fun – A shitshow mind you, but fun. Got myself a job at The Dollhouse pulling security. It’s gone alright for the most part, the Boss seems decent enough and the girls are all pretty cute and welcoming. I haven’t had mind or interest enough to pursue their services, mostly because I don’t pay for it, never have, never will. A few have made advances but I’ve really only got my eyes set on one gal, call me sentimental.  These days haven’t gone by without their fair share of crazy happenings though. 

Third day on the job, I’m heading back to the Dollhouse to do some work and there’s this cunt standing outside with a double-barrel in hand, screaming at the top of his lungs like a fucking idiot. Now I don’t know what this guy’s plan was but apparently he thought shooting our doorman Chaz was a good idea. Needless to say, it got my attention and apparently the Boss’s but I doubt in the way he wanted. They got into a nice little western firefight with one another before I and some other random townie in military fatigues decided to join the show. I don’t know why Private-Soldier-Man got involved but he didn’t fuck things up so, I mean, there’s that. At any rate it was my job since I’m ‘security’ for the joint now. Long story short, we shot the fucker seven times before he went down and I spent the last of my ammo putting him down. After destroying half the fucking furniture in the place and killing our doorman, we took him down and ended up dragging the corpse outside to the burn pile to be disposed of. Oh I should probably mention that the Boss got his arm tore up pretty damn good by the son of a bitch but I think he’ll be alright. Little Blue and I (the ‘gal I’m tits-up for) paid him a visit in the hospital, he seemed in good enough health, at least enough to pay me a bonus. It was enough to replace the ammo I spent at least, so there’s that.

As for today, I spent most of the day around town trading and finally managed to sell that old crossbow that’s served me so well all this time. The fuckers at the ATC wanted to give me five hundred for it but I ended up finding a better deal over at the S-Mart where I sold it to some lady with tits out to here — See doodle. <(‘-‘)>

That aside, I did manage to track down the ‘Captain’ of the ‘Watchmen’ – Which is the current name for the town security / authority. They’ve changed names and had new faces more than once since I was a Deputy Peacekeeper but it sounds like their goals are still the same. I suppose I made a decent enough impression on the girl given my history and all, she didn’t slap me and gave me a walkie and armband so I guess that means I’m in. We spent a while talking about duties, pay and so forth. It feels pretty good to be a part of something again, I just hope it works out this time — Third time’s the charm, right? I’m looking forward to working with and meeting the rest of the Watchmen, as well as getting rid of this fucking yellow armband for a green one or at least one that doesn’t look as openly homosexual and like a giant fluorescent crosshair when walking through the woods.

The only real downside is the fact that I have to make these journal logs now, but I suppose it could be worse. Any frustration I may or may not have is offset by the fact that the girl is Irish, or at least has the last name and temper to qualify her as one. Yep. This is going to work out.

Log end. 

PS. Do I have to actually write ‘log end’ for it to qualify as complete? Is anyone even going to read this shit except me? Danya, stay out of my things if you’re reading this. I will spank you.