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Svenja’s Journal

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Entry 1:

I don’t know why I am writing this. That’s probably not a good fist line to start a journal, but that’s just how it is. I found this empty notebook or whatever it is in a pile of trash and since I saw Dylen write stuff down earlier… so why not do the same? Hey, there is my reason for doing this. Wow, it was so much easier to write back then when we still had erasers and all… now all my mistakes will be in here forever and I can’t really fix them without messing the page up even more. At least I have a good excuse: The world went to shit before I was able to finish school.

I’m 18 now… I should be looking for a college and not run away from death day after day. But it’s a good distraction. Not long ago I lost my family to those things… they caught us off guard and I don’t want to write about it… not yet.

I had to move on alone, not looking back. Now it bit me in the ass that we hid all the time since this all happened… I had no fucking clue how to survive out there, away from the safety of walls and people. It was a mess… I made it only a few weeks before I was out of food, water and… everything. Then I was lucky though since I found this cabin in the woods. It didn’t look like someone owned it and trough the window I saw cans and cans of food. Of course I broke in… who would not do that these days? Finally I found something to eat again, but guess what… I had no tool to open the stupid cans! I looked like a idiot trying to open a can of corns… I already wanted to toss it in the corner, hoping to open it like that… but then I heard noises as someone climbed trough the window I broke to enter!

It was Dylen… well, back then he was a stranger and I was scared. I mean, there are raiders out there and who knows what kind of people. I tried to run, but the door was locked… yeah, smart since I should have known it was locked as it was the first thing I tried to get into the house. But I overreacted… he was a nice guy. He helped me open the can and even gave me his water to drink from. Then we talked for a while… I told him what happened and I think he understood my situation. It felt really nice to finally talk to someone again… I felt relieved and I couldn’t stop until it became quite late.

Dylen didn’t trust me… surprise. But I didn’t really trust him either. I mean, he was still a stranger basically. He didn’t want to sleep because he was scared I stab him dead with my switchblade and take his stuff or so, no idea. So he let me sleep and did… well, no idea what he did, but as I woke up, the dead had found us. I’m sure he still thinks they followed me and that it’s my fault… but I’m sure it was just bad luck. No chance in hell they followed me all the way to the cabin. There were 10 of them at least, probably 20 or more even, so we had to run. I was still not really awake as he pulled me out of there… and then he set the place on fire! The infected seemed distracted, so that was probably a pretty smart move, and we got away.

That’s how I met Dylen. From there on we were traveling non stop. He told me a about this island where we will be safe, but it was miles and miles away… at least it felt like it since we walked and walked and walked and didn’t arrive. At least we had time to get to know each other better. Dylen is such a grumpy guy… and he keeps calling me kid! He is what? 25? That’s not much older than 18. Anyway… we traveled for a while and he taught me many things… like shooting a bow. I always wanted a bow as weapon out here and now I might be able to use one someday soon. Ge also showed me more ways to gather food… I did not like it though since I hate eating meat… or used to before the world became what it is now. There is no other choice if I want to survive… I have to hunt and eat whatever we can find. It sucks, but it keeps me alive.

So while we were traveling all this way and talking, and doing things together… surviving together… he even kept me warm at night with his body and all this things. It’s really cute… and it feels very warm and nice. I never believed that warming each other just by being close works… but it does. He makes sure I am save… even though I try to be tough myself and not be in his way, but I still have a long path ahead of me.

By the way, i am sitting here inside our camp for the night as I am writing this… I can see the island in the distance… we are almost there! Dylen said we have to wait on a boat that will bring us across, but it will probably not arrive before tomorrow… so we have to spend one more night out here… but this might be the last night in the wilds for a while.

To end this first entry I write a little list of things I found today so I can keep track of my stuff.

– Found Flashlight x1 (took it from a corpse… still works)