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In the Beginning

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Well it is the 5th of May 1017.. seems like forever since the outbreak.. but I finally found a place to rest.. Arklay Island.. seems well outfitted.. there is food.. water.. a security style set up.. I have even found the materials to build a shelter.. it’s a shack.. not much.. but it is shelter.. a place to lay my head.. relax.. then when I wondered into the city area.. they had a few things we all seemed to have taken for granted.. but.. it is nice they are there.. stores.. with ammo, foods.. drinks.. they have a diner and even a bar.. though the town in is a bit mangled it is a functioning town.. not the safest place around but for sure better than what I have been threw.. found a nice lady… Dale.. gave me a job to assist at her store.. they have brought back currency here so that is nice to be gaining that back.. I have yet to do much more.. but I am sure I will have much more to write on here.. just trying to stay alive and moving.. got pretty bad for moment.. but the Hospital is staffed and they were kind enough to help me out.. you learn the hard way sometimes.. but .. that’s just it.. you learn!! more to come…