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Aug. 17, 2017 settling in

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Well, I’ve spent the last couple of days all but living at the bath house (whore house).  Most of my time is spent sitting around doing nothing but at least I’m inside where it’s safe and getting paid for my time too.

I’ve gotten a few customers.  The first ones were there just for a bath but when I stripped down to help scrub their backs I guess I made a lasting impression.  One tried for a little extra which is fine but he wasn’t willing to pay for it.  Ended up having to give him a nut check with my fist.  He didn’t seem amused by it but all of the other girls got a laugh out of it as he limped out.  After that some more showed up for services but kept staring at my ‘girls’ but none of them has asked for anything extra or even for some of the back room services.  I guess my treatment of that asshole got around and all the guys who might want something more with me are a bit scared.  Oh well.  One of them will eventually work up there courage.

It’s not that I’m against it.  I know why I’m work at the Dollhouse and I will put out, but not for free.  Everything cost so much in this new world of ours so why should I give that away!

What little time I have spent away from the Dollhouse has been spent wandering around trying to get a better lay of the island.  My first night was spent sleeping in a tent but when one of the girls at the Dollhouse found out she freaked out and told me I could take shelter in the hospital for free until I had enough cash to rent a place.  That was pretty nice of her.  Maybe she will be someone I can trust in this shitty world.  Only time will tell.