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  1. katonia aries

    Day 2

    Day 2- Dear Diary, Pt. 1 Me and my sisters traveled around the island looking at all the different shops and places that was for sale. I was really intrigued...
  2. GroovyPeace Resident

    Day 2

    My sisters and I  explored around the island for a long while scavenging for food and water..we finally found the hospital.. as needed for survival I scavenged through the dumpsters...
  3. jennavecia Fang

    Day 1

    Jenna an Groovy made their way to the docks as luck would have it they was able to broad a boat going to the same island ,the wave of the...
  4. katonia aries

    Day 1

    Dear Diary, I finally arrived on the island at least what I hoped was the island from the broadcast after being separated from my two sisters Groovy and Jenna. I...
  5. GroovyPeace Resident

    Day 1

    Dear journal Jenna and I finally arrived on the island ..with everyone on the small boat …as we all started walking I came upon the infected and he lunged towards...
  6. Jubal Quintus


    Dear Emily, Thora and I have resolved to help the animals of the island. We didn’t have much else to offer and honestly, the fucking world ended, why toil at...
  7. Sweetie

    Pot Luck

    So I turned up for my shift at the caff and OMG! It was like a bomb had hit the place! Total mess everywhere! No one around, obviously. Just loads...
