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  1. GroovyPeace Resident

    There I Go Again ..

    There I go again you would think that I would learn ..but NOOOO …yet again I got dysentery …but this time I will pay closer attention to what I eat when a trip to the hospital for me yet again and working there was my sister Katonia shes a...
  2. catpajamas resident

    Been awhile

    Howdy. Been awhile. Why am I writin’ as if I’m talkin’ to someone? Maybe I wish I did have someone to talk to. Finally made it back to Arklay, specifically the Eights. No matter how long I’m gone I keep driftin’ to this place. Can’t get rid of it. Maybe...
  3. jennavecia Fang


         So here she goes again walking her way to work Jenna cold from the icy rain oh how she wish the sun was out longing to feel the heat on her she was soaked to the bone but that still didn’t slow her down any so she sloshed threw the...
  4. katonia aries

    Brighter Horizons

    Dear Diary, Today I came into my new job as a nurse at AES Hospital. As I was entering the hospital I saw Hayley that I met at the bonfire from the night before. I greeted Hayley as I was walking in she asked me if I was working at...
  5. Sweetie

    Caught with my trousers down…

    Oh my gosh, but it’s easy to forget how you kinda totally take stuff for granted until it’s not there any more. I mean like earlier, I was in the woods coz I was gonna go hunt something for the caff, when I realised I totally needed to take a...
  6. GroovyPeace Resident

    jumps for joy

    Jumps for Joy ..finally Im healed no more dysentery for me yay go me lol…and now there is rain on the island again …oh well lots of good news today and a job as well ..the journey for me and my sisters Katonia and Jenna continues.
  7. jennavecia Fang

    No Rain …

    For the fist time since the sister’s have landed on the island Jenna thinks that this is the fist time with no rain pouring down on them so Jenna’s spirit is high as she is over joy when she walks into the hospital to find that her sister Groovy sitting...
  8. katonia aries

    Bonfire Gone Wrong

    Dear Dairy, This is most eventful day I’ve had since been on Arklay Island. When I first woke up this morning I went to go check on my sister Groovy in the hospital where she had been sick from drinking nasty water and getting dysentery from it. Groovy seem to...
  9. GroovyPeace Resident

    Day 8 conts…

    Day 8 continues …well i finally got some medical assistance and healing from my dysentery.. Ive also gotten a little food and water so looking and feeling much better and now my sisters have finally decided to join me again lol. Lets see what else I can get myself into...