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  1. katonia aries

    Shroom’s Takes The Day

    Dear, Diary Yesterday, I came into work as if a normal day where nothing was unordinary few infected zombies jumping out from behind trees, dumpster, and building corners. I am always on guard for that happening. However, today took me by surprise while I was at work which was pretty...
  2. ValerieLites Resident

    Close call, rough fall

    I’m currently laying in a hospital bed, I think I almost died today. I’ve been so careful up until now, nothing but a few bumps, bruises and scratches since all this started, but not today…. I was hiding in some ruins under my umbrella for shelter from the rain, hoping...
  3. GroovyPeace Resident

    Rough Day in Arklay..

    oh my ..rough day in Arklay today ..started off like any other day on the island ..except today actually had nice weather time for some hunting and working at the Diner ..until a new face walks into the Diner..thought everything was ok till unruly customer but got through that part...
  4. Ben Darcy

    Catching up with Baymo

    Met up with an old friend the other day, Baymo. I remember when we both worked at the S-Mart, she had grand plans of growing pot and branching out on her own; looks like she succeeded. I traded some shells I had for some food, she tossed in a couple...
  5. Ben Darcy

    Home sweet, someplace…

    Well, I was able to meet with Dale at the S-mart, god bless her, she’s as tough as ever; but I have my job back. She did send me off to the AES about my cough, its just cold I’ve been shaking for the last week, but I’m home now....
  6. Sweetie


    So I’ve ended up with a puppy… yeah, I know, like huh? But it like totally wasn’t planned. I was out kinda exploring some, when I came across it. At first I was kinda stressed that it’s mother was nearby and gonna get all like protective, coz dogs these day,...
  7. katonia aries

    The New Arrival

    Dear Diary, Today I met a new-comer on the island and had to do a mandatory checkup for new arrivals on him to make sure he is not infected and that all his vitals are stable and in good health so that we prevent from any major problems on the...
  8. Ben Darcy

    Making my way back

    It has been months since I have written something here. My last entry was escaping an old hospital on the mainland, I thought I had succeeded. Until I woke up a week later in a small camp, I had a pretty bad head wound, but seemed to be in good...