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  1. GroovyPeace Resident

    Day 8 ..

    Day 8 on the island …well another day in the hospital for me still having the Dysentry ..well I think its time I need to get a job and find more ways to survive in the hard times …waiting on my sisters Katonia and Jenna as well getting kinda lonely...
  2. jennavecia Fang

    Luck or Unlucky ??

    Well have you ever heard of the statement if it wasn’t for bad lucky I wouldn’t have any luck at all ,,in some case’s that might be true as Jenna thinks to her self as she finds herself sitting at the bed side of her sister who is ill an...
  3. GroovyPeace Resident

    Long Day 7 conts…

    Long Day 7 continues for me.. Still in the hospital waiting patiently on staff to come and give me more medication needed to help with the Dysentry that I have but now im starving and dehydrated does it ever end? … I dont know but Day 7 isnt looking to...
  4. GroovyPeace Resident

    Day 7 conts…

    Day 7 continues for me …well still laying here in the hospital trying to heal up and not having much luck since i need more antibiotics i think …kind of lonely laying here…wishing someone would come and give me some antibiotics to help me out ugh…well will wait a little...
  5. GroovyPeace Resident

    Day 7..

    Day 7.. While laying on this hospital bed after being admitted to the hospital i keep thinking how did i let myself get this way with the dysentry and all i should have been more careful is what i was doing ..and by the way where are my sisters Jenna...
  6. jennavecia Fang

    New Beginnings,??

    Now back with both of her  sister’s as they live day by day ,minute by minute as they get the feel of this strange island an all that lurk around them , fighting for food an searching to find water in the hopes that their health well keep dreaming of...
  7. katonia aries

    Swept Away

    Dear Diary, Its been awhile since I’ve written in my Journal after few days of exploring Arklay Island. I’ve encounter couple of the infected zombies on the island but nothing like on the main-land; however, I managed to survive the attacks without a weapon. The island is great place to...
  8. GroovyPeace Resident

    Day 6 continues…

    Well so later on ..on Day 6 was searching around some more trying to get more familiar with the island ..I met up with one of my sisters Jenna and we decided to search around some more together ..but while search and fighting off the infected we came upon the...
  9. Sweetie

    Tough titties? Or sweet kisses?

    Okay, so something kinda weird’s just happened. I was gonna go pay the rent on my room, I’d saved up enough cash from the caff, so that was all cool, and I’d got to the office when the guy shook his head and said it’d been covered. And I kinda...