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  1. katonia aries

    The Dog Gone’ Flu

    Dear Diary, I started my day out like I usually do woke up steamed me up a cup of coffee and get ready to do some scavenging around Arklay Island. After hours of scavenging for some goods I came across a can of dog food which is good to eat...
  2. katonia aries

    Small World and New Faces

    Dear Diary, I came into work today at AES and enjoying the fact that I have a job that I enjoy and look forward to doing. I started my shift by reviewing some files that Charlie had out on the front desk. After having reviewed the stack of files on...
  3. Tobias Haven

    Day 2

      So this island I landed on seems to actually have people who live here.. (how the hell would I have guessed) Met a southern peach think she called her self.. Page.. at first I thought she was gonna open up and fire on me, so I stashed my pistol...
  4. Tobias Haven

    Day 1

    Damn… who would have thought I would be the one out of my family to survive…   I decided I best keep a tab on my life as the way it has been going these last few weeks I could die at any given moment, Yeah I know what your...
  5. katonia aries

    My First Patient’s

    Dear Diary, I signed in my first patient today at AES Hospital that came in limping she sprained her ankle fighting off a zombie. The girl’s sprained ankle reminded me of when I sprained my ankle the same way by zombies coming out of nowhere so fast your first reactions...