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  1. jennavecia Fang


                                                              Hello ,just me again in another fun filled apocalyptic day at Arklay Island nothing really to chat about things are as good as I think they will ever be tho I have been seeing a lot of new faces on the island so I think the main land still...
  2. Sweetie


    I hate Christmas, I really do… Everybody pretending everything’s like totally normal when it soo isn’t. I think it was having to do the tree thing for the caff. After that, I kinda had to go awol, coz I guess it totally pressed all the wrong buttons. I couldn’t pretend...
  3. kendall69-resident

    Dec 30th

    Mark is still in the mainland… Its never taken one of us this long to go get supplies… he left yesterday morning… he would be the one to go farther then we said we wouldn’t. If i went that far out i would be lookin at some major yelling when...
  4. deteric-furyo

    Tough Decisions

    Things are not bad here at Arklay.. well, the people for the most part are friendly enough, and the community seems to have the potential to be a good thing in this world.. though the Infected that find their way onto the streets are an issue.. I had been taking...
  5. deteric-furyo

    New Hope

    It’s been awhile since I last wrote anything.. I had started losing faith. I have lost track of time, and can only guess it has been about three years since the outbreak occurred, based on the weather changes.. but even those are not the same.. nothing is. Everything seems empty, dead,...