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  1. katonia aries

    Prayers For Arklay

    Dear, Diary The flood waters have taken over my trailer leaving me homeless for now, which I will find shelter. Finding shelter isn’t the problem, the problem is when and if the flood is going to stop. My fear is that if the water don’t stop rising the whole island...
  2. katonia aries

    Water Zombies

    Dear, Diary The water is now up to my knees in my trailer, I had to grab some of things I had packed up and store them on dry land along with some other salvageable items. Also AES is about to be submerged two more floors to go all that...
  3. katonia aries

    Returning To Rising Waters

    Dear, Diary It’s been awhile since I have wrote in my diary. I took a journey without telling my sisters Jenna and Groovy that I was leaving, knowing that they would try to stop me. However; I knew what I needed to go for myself, I felt like I was...
  4. katonia aries

    Shroom’s Takes The Day

    Dear, Diary Yesterday, I came into work as if a normal day where nothing was unordinary few infected zombies jumping out from behind trees, dumpster, and building corners. I am always on guard for that happening. However, today took me by surprise while I was at work which was pretty...
  5. katonia aries

    The New Arrival

    Dear Diary, Today I met a new-comer on the island and had to do a mandatory checkup for new arrivals on him to make sure he is not infected and that all his vitals are stable and in good health so that we prevent from any major problems on the...
  6. katonia aries

    The Dog Gone’ Flu

    Dear Diary, I started my day out like I usually do woke up steamed me up a cup of coffee and get ready to do some scavenging around Arklay Island. After hours of scavenging for some goods I came across a can of dog food which is good to eat...
  7. katonia aries

    Small World and New Faces

    Dear Diary, I came into work today at AES and enjoying the fact that I have a job that I enjoy and look forward to doing. I started my shift by reviewing some files that Charlie had out on the front desk. After having reviewed the stack of files on...
  8. katonia aries

    My First Patient’s

    Dear Diary, I signed in my first patient today at AES Hospital that came in limping she sprained her ankle fighting off a zombie. The girl’s sprained ankle reminded me of when I sprained my ankle the same way by zombies coming out of nowhere so fast your first reactions...
  9. katonia aries

    Brighter Horizons

    Dear Diary, Today I came into my new job as a nurse at AES Hospital. As I was entering the hospital I saw Hayley that I met at the bonfire from the night before. I greeted Hayley as I was walking in she asked me if I was working at...